Archangel Lessons


Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures all revere Archangel Michael. Jewish mystical tradition identifies him as the Captain of the Lord’s Host, who appeared to Joshua before the battle of Jericho, and also as the angel who guided Israel through the wilderness and saved the three Hebrew boys from Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace.

Archangel Michael and his angels of protection can answer your SOS calls best when you pray to them daily.

Thousands of people have experienced miracles that they believe were made possible by their strong relationship with the blue-flame angels.

People like Daniel. He’s an airline pilot who had begun decreeing to the angels of protection for about twenty minutes a day.

One day he took his two young sons out for a tractor ride near their home outside Dallas when a tree branch fell on his neck and back. With his back covered in blood, he was somehow able to drive the quarter mile back to his house.

He didn’t remember the drive, but four-year-old Christopher did: “Daddy drove the tractor home, but a big blue angel came down and sat on the front of the tractor,” he said. The angel told him that his daddy would be all right.

Daniel recovered quickly without surgery, although the hospital staff told him he was lucky not to be a quadriplegic. He believes his decrees enabled the angel to save him.


Connect with Archangel Michael and the Angels of Protection


ARCHANGEL: Michael, “Who is like God”

SPIRITUAL HOME: Banff, near Lake Louise, Canada


Spiritual Gifts: freedom from fear and self-doubt, strengthening of your faith, perfecting of your soul.

Practical Assistance: protection from physical and spiritual dangers—everything from traffic accidents and burglaries to psychic aggression; exorcism of demons.

World Service: inspiration for leaders, improvement of government.

Kelly and her friends Wayne, Russell and Heather had been decreeing to the angels for only a few weeks when they needed emergency help.

The four teenagers piled into Wayne’s compact sedan and gave Archangel Michael’s “Traveling Protection” decree before heading off for a church picnic.

Just after they exited the highway and were on an overpass, a fully loaded 18-wheeler ran a red light and plowed into their car.

The truck dragged the car under its wheels for 500 feet before stopping.

Kelly was in the backseat on the passenger’s side—the side where the truck impacted. She was pinned in the crushed metal from the bottom of her feet to the middle of her chest.

One wheel of the stalled truck was directly above her body and she couldn’t breathe.

“Do your calls!” yelled Heather, who was also in the backseat. Kelly couldn’t speak, but she made a silent prayer to Archangel Michael.

Strange as it sounds, Kelly swears the truck instantly lifted a few inches, giving her time to twist the upper part of her body free.

Then the weight of the truck descended again. “All of a sudden I could breathe,” said Kelly. Her first words aloud were, “Thank you, Archangel Michael!”

During the nearly two hours it took to get her out of the wreckage, she said she remained “perfectly calm,” comforted by the presence of Michael and his angels.

After three surgeries, she still has some hip problems but says it’s “nothing you couldn’t live with.”

Wayne was uninjured, while Russell received a blow to his head and Heather a broken arm. Kelly says she knows that Archangel Michael saved them all from death or lasting injury.

Archangel Michael and Faith

God’s love for us is so tender and so present that he makes this known to us in an especially personal way through his angels.

Archangel Michael, who comes forth from the heart of God to minister to our souls, is known as the great intercessor and is the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts.

Archangel Michael is a very special angel to us. For thousands and thousands of years, Michael, along with his legions of light, has dedicated himself to the safety, security and perfecting of our souls, to protecting us, caring for us, sponsoring us, rebuking us, teaching us the way of God’s holy will, and helping us to understand that we each have a blueprint in life, a divine plan.

Archangel Michael in the World’s Religions

The name Michael means “who is like God.” Some say his name is in the form of a question and was the battle cry of the angels who fought against the haughty Lucifer: “Who is like God?”

Archangel Michael has figured in Jewish, Christian and Islamic scriptures and tradition as the greatest and most revered of angels.

Called Mika’il in Muslim lore, he is the angel of nature, providing both food and knowledge to man.

In Zoroastrianism a parallel has been drawn between Michael and Vohu Manah, one of the Amesha Spentas, cosmic beings whose role corresponds to that of the archangels.

In the Bible, Exodus 3:2 is the first appearance of Michael in the Western tradition. He is the “angel of the Lord” who appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a burning bush, which was not consumed.

Archangel Michael: The First-Ray Archangel and his Retreat

Archangel Michael serves with Archeia Faith, his divine complement, and their legions of blue-lightning angels on the first ray, the ray of God’s will.

If you saturate your mind with a brilliant blue, the color of this ray, it will be a magnet to draw these angels to you.

We depend on the blue ray for the empowerment of God and for his protection.

This ray also corresponds to government, to the economies of the nations, and to leadership, an important quality for everyone to develop.

Michael and Faith and their legions have their retreat in the heaven-world over Banff and Lake Louise in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.

You can draw Archangel Michael’s presence to you by playing his keynote, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” which is also called “The Navy Hymn.”



The keynote of Archangel Michael’s retreat is the “Soldiers’ Chorus” from Faust, by Charles Gounod.





Start to create your personal connection with the Archangel

Set up your angels altar

Archangel Michael’s Sword and Shield

You can ask Archangel Michael to help you quickly with a very short call to him, Archangel Michael, Help me! Help me! Help me!

Set up your angels altar

Visit the Archangel Michael’s retreat as you sleep

You can learn this prayer to be taken to Archangel Michael’s retreat, or the retreat of any archangel you wish to visit.

Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
O my soul, let us arise from our abode.
Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, with Archangel Michael and a cordon of blue-lightening angels, transport my soul clothed in my finer bodies, fully equipped with the armor of God, to Archangel Michael and Faith’s Temple of Faith retreat over Banff and Lake Louise or to the designated place of my Holy Work this night. Escort me, instruct me, and guide and protect me and all co-servers, I pray Thee, now and always as we serve to cut free all life on earth.

Set up your angels altar

Traveling Protection

You can give “Traveling Protection” anytime, anywhere – even if you are staying at home.

Lord Michael before!
Lord Michael behind!
Lord Michael to the right!
Lord Michael to the left!
Lord Michael above!
Lord Michael below!
Lord Michael, Lord Michael, wherever I go!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!

Help spread the light and love of the archangels!