Archangel Lessons


We’ve all seen it in cartoons: Pop! the light bulb goes on over someone’s head. “I have an idea!” they say. Even Einstein had a sudden flash of insight that inspired his theory of relativity. But where does the inspiration come from?

Many of our ideas actually come from Archangel Jophiel and the angels of illumination, who put us in touch with the mind of God, the source of all creativity.

These angels bring us our great inspirations and life-changing revelations. They help us to contact our Higher Self and even to absorb information and pick up new skills.

Their primary purpose is to rescue us from ignorance, which can be defined as blindness to our oneness with God.

When you commune with these angels, they will free you from anything that blocks your oneness with your Higher Self, including self-doubt, fear, lack of self-esteem, and addictions of all kinds—from chocolate to nicotine.

They can even help you to increase your mental capacity and use a greater percentage of your brain.

So talk to them about questions on your mind and the best way to approach a problem. Ask them to inspire you with the words for your poem, the plot for your novel, the arguments for your brief.

You can rely on them to do all this, as well as keep you in touch with your Higher Self, when you daily invoke the flame of illumination.


Connect with Archangel Jophiel and the Angels of Illumination

COLOR: Yellow

ARCHANGEL: Jophiel, “Beauty of God”

SPIRITUAL HOME: Near Lanchow, north central China


Spiritual Gifts: wisdom, illumination, understanding, inspiration, knowledge, clear seeing, connection with your Higher Self.

Practical Assistance: help in absorbing information, studying for and passing tests; freedom from addictions; dissolution of ignorance, pride and narrow-mindedness.

World Service: exposure of wrongdoing in government and corporations, help in fighting pollution and cleaning up our planet.

The Archangels to call specifically for wisdom and illumination are Jophiel and Christine.

They are the archangel and archeia of the second ray of God, the ray of brilliant wisdom. 

They and their bands quicken your capacity to attune to the Universal Mind of God and they bring enlightenment.

The name Jophiel means “beauty of God.” Some religious traditions name Jophiel as the guardian of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

He is a protector to all seekers of truth. In some esoteric traditions, Jophiel is said to have been the instructor of Moses in the mystery of the Kabbalah.

Jophiel and Christine sponsor the many wisdom teachings of Gautama Buddha, Lao Tsu and Confucius, as well as assisting in the ministry of Jesus and his disciples.

The retreat of Jophiel and Christine is in the etheric realm over the Plains of Central China, south of the Great Wall near Lanchow.

From the yellow flame of illumination focused here since the first golden ages, have come not only the “yellow” race and the Yellow River, but also the wisdom of Confucius, Lao Tsu and the civilizations of ancient China.

The wisdom of ancient China reached great heights long before there was even a stirring of culture in the West. In those days China’s rulers held mystical contact with the hierarchs of Jophiel’s retreat.

As long as these initiates held the mandate of heaven (the divine right of rulership) and ruled the “middle kingdom,” the civilizations of China grew and prospered under the radiance of the golden sun of cosmic wisdom.

Jophiel and Christine have come on a mission to deliver us from profound levels of ignorance that are settling over every nation, starting with the earliest grades of children in school.

The goal of modern education is to accelerate the computer of the mental body. What is needed is direct communication with God through the threefold flame and the heart chakra.

Jophiel and Christine are the Archangels to call and pray to for the upliftment of all levels of education in every nation.

Jophiel and Christine are the teachers of mankind. Their legions of angels teach you every day, inspiring you with ideas, inspiration and practical goals to achieve them.

Jophiel and Christine and the angels of wisdom teach you how to contact your Higher Self. Jophiel says that you need to educate the heart, then the mind and then the soul. He says: “Think of the ancients who walked the earth and knew the thoughts of God when God thought them.”

Don’t underestimate what these heavenly beings will do for you and your family. They instruct us to call to them for help in the smallest details of our lives even as we pray for help with international crises.

Angels of Jophiel and Christine unveil the mysteries of God, and they expose the infamies of men and fallen angels.

They are here to reveal what is hidden in government, science, education, medicine, food, health, the war on drugs, pollution and the environment, the effects of music on evolution and in just about everything that touches our daily lives.

Angels are filled with joy in their service, and they have a fierce loyalty to God that has kept them from swerving from their path of light.

Anchored within their hearts—even though they be angels of illumination—is a tremendous love for mankind that keeps them working constantly in an atmosphere that is most uncomfortable to their pure vibrations.

If you call to the angels of illumination, they can release to you mighty currents of light that are the mercury diamond-shining mind of God.

These light rays can flow across your brain, scintillating as the sunlight upon the water and remove from you the density that has become the vibration of jealousy, doubt, fear, dishonor and a lack of integrity.

They respect free will, but if you reach out to them, divine help is on its way to you in that moment.

Passing the test

Has it happened to you? You study hard for a test and then when it’s sitting in front of you on an empty desk and the clock is ticking, you can’t remember a thing you studied.

Verlene had always had a hard time taking exams. Even if she had studied hard, she would go blank when faced with a test.

When she was studying to become a Realtor in Illinois, she did so well in the class exercises that her instructor told her, “You’ll ace this exam.”

“No, I won’t,” she thought with a sinking feeling, “because I never do.” 

Sure enough, when she got to the exam room and opened up her test, her mind went blank.

She made a silent prayer to the angels to illumine her mind. Suddenly the answers began flowing into her head, her pen moved across the page and she was able to take the test.

She didn’t find out her score, since the scores aren’t released, but she did pass.

She believes the angels helped her make it through. She says that once she got going on the test, “I enjoyed it. It was kind of a breeze.” 




Start to create your personal connection with the Archangel

Set up your angels altar

New ideas

Say a prayer to Archangel Jophiel then draw a picture of whatever new idea comes to your mind. Archangel Jophiel can help you learn many new things. He and his angels will help you learn to use more of your brain!

You can learn this prayer “O Flame of Light, Bright and Gold” by heart:

See your head surrounded by and infused with God’s golden-yellow light. Next, see the angels of illumination flooding your whole body and the area around you, up to three feet in diameter, with this light. Feel yourself drawing in creativity and inspiration with every breath. See darkness, density and discouragement dissolved by the light.

O flame of Light bright and gold,
O flame most wondrous to behold,
I AM in every brain cell shining,
I AM Light’s wisdom all divining.
Ceaseless, flowing fount of Illumination flaming,
I AM, I AM, I AM Illumination.

Set up your angels altar

Prayer to Attend Archangel Jophiel and Christine’s Retreat

Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
O my soul, let us arise from our abode.
Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, with Archangel Michael and a cordon of blue-lightening angels, transport my soul clothed in my finer bodies, fully equipped with the armor of God, to Archangel Jophiel and Christine’s retreat near Lanchow, China or to the designated place of my Holy Work this night. Escort me, instruct me, and guide and protect me and all co-servers, I pray Thee, now and always as we serve to cut free all life on earth.

Set up your angels altar

Helios and Vesta

Why do we meditate on the Sun? Helios is the God of this solar system and abides in the very heart of the physical sun. With his twin flame, Vesta, he serves to represent the Godhead to those evolving on the planets orbiting the sun. It is their God consciousness that sustains our physical solar system.

Feel the illumination of the Sun streaming over your crown chakra as you sing this song to Helios and Vesta!

Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Let the Light flow into my being!
Let the Light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the Light expand in the center of the earth
And let the earth be transformed into the New Day!

Help spread the light and love of the archangels!