Archangel Lessons


Love can be both gentle and fierce, and so can Archangel Chamuel and his angels.

They may appear surrounded by layers of gossamer light to comfort a frightened child. Or they may put on their armour to fight the forces of cruelty and hatred that cause many of the problems in families and relationships.

The angels of love help you fight the forces of anti-love, which bring about addictions and psychological problems such as depression and compulsive behavior.

When you feel yourself in the grips of desire for nicotine, when your self-esteem is low or when you feel powerless against forces of racial division and tension in your neighborhood, give the powerful fiat to Chamuel and the angels of love (see exercise). Repeat the second part, “Be gone, forces of anti-love!” nine times or more.

The angels of love also specialize in making your life run more smoothly. Archangel Chamuel will assign angels to help you in your daily life as if they were your personal staff.

You can ask them to run errands, prepare the way for successful meetings and undertake special projects on behalf of your family, your business or your church.

They are experts at improving communication between people. You can ask them to help those in your household understand each other and to help you to be a better listener to meet others’ needs.

So if your children are fighting or you aren’t getting along with your spouse, boss or neighbors, or if you don’t seem to be able to attract the kind of relationships you want, try adding some prayers to the angels of love to your daily ritual.

See how they will transform you and those who are closest to you.


Connect with Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love


ARCHANGEL: Chamuel, “He who sees God”

SPIRITUAL HOME: St. Louis, Missouri


Spiritual Gifts: love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; dissolution of feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem; preparation to receive the Holy Spirit.

Practical Assistance: protection against malice, slander and misunderstanding; inauguration of new friendships and relationships; repairing of damaged relationships; help in getting along with others; help in finding a job; locating lost objects.

World Service: healing of ethnic and racial tension.

Chamuel and Charity are the archangel and archeia of divine love.

The third ray of the emanation of God’s light is love revealing itself as pink, rose, and intensifying to the power of the ruby ray.

Divine love is the quality most needed on planet Earth and it is the most opposed as well.

These archangels enfold us in the love of God and the love and care for one another.

As Jesus taught, a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples.”

Chamuel means “he who sees God” and it’s interesting that only when you love do you see the true being of another.

Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals.

Archangel Chamuel and Charity teach you to develop the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving kindness for others. They teach you to replace your sense of injustice with a supreme trust in the ultimate resolution of divine love.

The cherubim are among the angels who serve under Chamuel and Charity.

Peter Paul Rubens – The Madonna della Vallicella Adored by Seraphim and Cherubim

The name cherubim comes from a word meaning “one who prays” or “one who intercedes” and these are the angels of love who are near to us always.

These angels of love are also those that are near the inner Throne of God.

The Old Testament describes the Presence of God as dwelling between the cherubim.

When you pray and work with the Archangels of love you are drawn into divine wholeness and the Presence of God.

They teach you to intensify the flame of love in your heart and to prepare your temple for the descent of the Holy Spirit.

They will heal the layers of your aura when you offer devotions and service to God in their name.

Chamuel and Charity say, “Each time you give your violet-flame decrees, songs of praise to Almighty God and heartfelt prayers, the angels are permitted to take from your aura and body some of the burdens you carry.”

“If you invite us, we will come home with you. We will help you with difficult family situations. We will address whatever is most burdensome to your heart.”

Chamuel and Charity also promise to draw you into oneness with your own twin flame so that you can fulfill your divine plan of working in unity.

The retreat of Chamuel and Charity

Archangel Chamuel and Charity welcome us to study in their etheric retreat in the heaven-world over Saint Louis.

It is called the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame.

Gateway Arch, on the bank of the Mississippi River, communicates to the soul at inner levels that here is the open door to this great temple of love.

Call to the mighty archangels to escort your soul there so that you may learn your lessons on the path.

We do need archangels and their legions to take us to the retreats, because in order to get to the etheric octave we must pass through the astral plane, the frequency of time and space just above the physical.

This realm is very dense and dark because it has been muddied by the impure thought and feeling patterns, conscious and unconscious, of mankind.

Without the angels’ guidance and protection our soul could become entangled there, and so we call to the legions of Archangel Michael to escort us.

In their retreat, Chamuel and Charity teach lessons in mercy, compassion, and loving care.

They also teach you to replace a sense of injustice in relationships with supreme trust—trust that in reality there is no injustice anywhere in the universe, trust in the ultimate resolution of divine love.

This can happen only when you, in childlike faith, let go of any sense of injustice and let God and his emissaries mete out divine justice.

Chamuel and Charity will teach you how to intensify the flame of love in your heart and to prepare for the descent of the Holy Spirit into your temple.

They promise to heal the many layers of the human aura of anyone who offers devotion and service to them.


Archangel Chamuel and Charity invite you to pray daily to them to protect your physical heart, your heart chakra, and your divine spark.

The heart’s sensitivity to good and bad vibrations is great, they say, and both thoughts and feelings register on it.

They remind you to be wary of evil spirits who would snuff out the spark of divinity that burns on the altar of your heart or who would attempt to make you vulnerable to heart disease, heart ailments and heart attacks.

The ascended masters and archangels teach us about the preciousness of the heart, the guarding of the heart, the stilling of the heart, and the heart as a center and an opening to God.

This is important as we become more and more sensitive to the jagged vibrations of the world and the energies of war and hatred.

These jagged energies reverberate on the body, soul, chakras and heart. And so, we realize how necessary it is to understand the path of the heart. The guarding of the heart is the key to the attainment of higher levels of initiation.

Meditate on this song, “Rose of Light, O Come” to increase the love fire in your heart.

Rose of Light O Come! (lyrics)

Use this dynamic prayer when you feel irritation and anxiety in your world:




Start to create your personal connection with the Archangel

Set up your angels altar

Make notes in your journal

Make a list of your loved ones and those with whom you may want to have more positive relationships. Once you make the list, say this prayer, silently or out loud:

“Beloved Chamuel and Charity, fill me with divine forgiveness and love for everyone in my life. Help me hold myself and them in the highest image of light. Help us resolve our karma together and love one another in grace.”

Then watch and see if your relationships are more harmonious!

Set up your angels altar

Visit the retreat of Chamuel and Charity

Say this prayer out loud with deep reverence before going to bed:

Beloved pink-flame angels, escort my soul to the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame over Saint Louis, Missouri. I pray for the expansion of the flame of divine love within my heart. I ask the angels of divine love to take from my aura and body some of the burdens that I carry.

Set up your angels altar

Mantra for more love in your life

Try this mantra for more love in your life. The scent of roses is healing for the heart. You may want to include live flowers or essential oils at your altar.

“As a rose unfolding fair
Wafts her fragrance on the air,
I pour forth to God devotion,
One now with the Cosmic Ocean.”

Help spread the light and love of the archangels!